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5 Books Every City Councilor and Engaged Citizen Should Read
You want your city to be a better place. Whether you are an elected official, or getting involved as a citizen, you need ideas for what's possible and actionable steps to take you there. These books can help!
Deploy or Die: Moving Research Into the World
So much academic research stays abstract or theory, or fails to impact the real world. What happens when an institution rewards applied work?
Project: Tapestry Weaving on My Lap Loom
Diving into fiber arts, I warped my tapestry loom and set to work. Here's what I made and the weaving skills I'm working on.
How Do We Fix Sprawl? Book Review: Sprawl Repair Manual by Gail Tachieva
Suburbia sprawls endlessly. Cities are insolvent. Entire neighborhoods slump into disrepair. How can we fix it all? This practical manual details a difficult, but doable, way forward.
Book Review: Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World by Henry Grabar
More space in America is dedicated to parking cars than to housing people. How did our built environment become this way? Why is parking so frustrating, the center of every zoning debate, and the key to reviving our towns?
Modern Quality: Where Do We Get Beautiful Things?
If you go to any major store, most of the stuff you can buy is cheaply made and ugly. Why? Quality and beauty make us happier and healthier. Where can we find them?
The Iterative, Incremental Method for Improvement
When you look at your life, you might see big problems. Big problems need drastic solutions, right? Not necessarily. Through observation, action, evaluation, and iteration, we can improve almost anything in our lives!
Seven Principles to Guide Development in Kootenai County
Our county faces rapid suburbanization and dramatic change of character as farmland is devoured by big development. Here are seven conservative principles we can use to guide the county’s future.
Ideation, Evaluation, and Iteration: How We Plan Our Lives
How do you design a product, project, business, or your own life? Here are the keys you can use to make options and not get stuck on an 'anchor problem'.
Book Review: Designing Your Life: How To Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans
How you can use a designer mindset and iterative improvement to build your way forward to a coherent, satisfying life.