Recent Posts
Project: How To Make a Paper Mache Taxidermy Moose Head
When a wall calls out for a taxidermy moose head, you answer the call. Read how I made a moose from paper mache!
Honk! Learning from a Dynamic Public Music Festival
HONK! is a high energy, dynamic, activist street music festival held in Somerville, MA. How can we learn from it to build local culture in our area?
Project: Tapestry Weaving on My Lap Loom
Diving into fiber arts, I warped my tapestry loom and set to work. Here's what I made and the weaving skills I'm working on.
Modern Quality: Where Do We Get Beautiful Things?
If you go to any major store, most of the stuff you can buy is cheaply made and ugly. Why? Quality and beauty make us happier and healthier. Where can we find them?
Tutorial: How to Make a Braided Rag Rug From Old Sheets or T-Shirts
Upcycle old shirts and sheets into wonderfully colorful braided rugs in 6 simple steps! Minimal or even no sewing; easy-to-follow instructions; lots of photos!
How I Made A Linen Wrap Skirt With Rainbow Embroidered Flowers
Women's clothing is so often function or pretty—but rarely both. This project was my attempt to bridge that gap by making my own wrap skirt and learning embroidery to decorate it!
Tutorial: How to Make a Plush Rag Rug from Old Socks in 5 Steps
Save your socks! Upcycle old socks into a squishy, colorful rug—it's an easy way to make something beautiful!
Making Rag Rugs From T-Shirts and Old Sheets (Reuse and Upcycle!)
I love finding new uses for old stuff. I had a collection of old t-shirts and ripped sheets... what better thing to do than repurpose them into beautiful rugs?
Recovering Beauty in Modern Life
Beauty is vital to humans, but there's a breakdown of beauty in present culture—in architecture, art, music, more. Why? How can we recover and cultivate beauty?