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Book Review: The Battle of the Classics by Eric Adler
Why bother with a humanities education? Arguably, the humanities are not instrumental to earning a living or getting ahead. In this book, Adler argues the case of the classics: why, regardless of utility, the humanities are as important to education as they ever have been.
Book Review: Lost in Thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life by Zena Hitz
A good life means you don't work for the sake of work—you work for the sake of leisure. But what is leisure? What are the benefits of reading, studying, or thinking for its own sake?
How Do I Raise My Kids to Revere Life, Love What Is Good, and Reject the Bad?
I don't want to raise the next generation of materialist, short-term focused consumers. But how do I help my kids counter modern culture, resist temptations, and internalize the right ideas?
How to Build Self-Discipline: Why Awareness and Intrinsic Motivation Are Key
Self-discipline is the ability to do what needs to be done, to stay in control, to accomplish your goals. How do you build discipline? Here are strategies I use.
Cooperation without Coercion: How to Motivate Children (5 Things to Try)
What do you do when your strong-willed child won't cooperate? Children love cooperating... but they also love showing their independence. Here are 5 things to try.
Book review: How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough
Why do some people succeed and others fail? This book argues that it's not just how you're born. Instead, the key is noncognitive skills—and the good news is, you can practice and improve them.
How to Practice Self-Denial—and What You'll Gain By Doing So
Human desires are insatiable. But if we do the counterintuitive—practice self-denial instead of giving in to those desires—we build virtue, gain freedom, and step closer to the eternal.
Forming Good Habits and Breaking Bad Habits: Aristotle's 4 Levels of Virtue
Virtues are good habits. Vices are bad habits. We can learn from Aristotle's four ascending categories from vice to virtue when struggling to become better people.