Recent Posts
Deploy or Die: Moving Research Into the World
So much academic research stays abstract or theory, or fails to impact the real world. What happens when an institution rewards applied work?
4 Years Blogging: Why write?
I've been writing the Owl for four years! Here, I reflect on why I write and how blogging can be like memoir.
So you want to write and publish a book?
Most authors don't make bank. They write to share a message, promote their expertise, or build their brand. Here's advice from a panel of six academics and authors.
PUBLICATION DAY: Grad School Life: Surviving and Thriving Beyond Coursework and Research
Publishing a book can be a long road—but here we are at the destination! Read about my book: How to thrive in graduate school while keeping a healthy personal life!
Journaling to Set and Achieve Writing Goals
When I was a foil fencer, I kept a meticulous journal to track progress, practice, and goals. Now, here's how I'm applying what I learned to writing.
Book Update #5: Grad School Life: Publication Day is March 19, 2024 + Cover Reveal
Exciting news: I have a book cover and pub date! Plus, details on the rest of the book production process, receiving page proofs, and figuring out book promotion.
3 Years Blogging: Why Write a Blog? How Do You Balance Blogging with Life?
Time flies like an owl! Here's why I continue to write a blog, and why—even when scaling back to fit blogging better in my life—it's still worth it.
Switching the Blog Schedule to Biweekly
With all the other projects I'm working on, this blog will be taking a backseat. I'll still be writing here, just a little less often!
Book Update #4: Chugging Through Copyediting
How is a book edited and produced? Here what's happening with my book on the slow road to publication.
Book Update #3: Revisions Complete, Entering Production!
I'm inching my book from idea to final product! Here's what the review and revision process was like, and my next steps as the book moves into production.
Book Review: Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less by Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and Roy Schwartz
No one reads, but everyone skims. How do you write shorter and smarter to reach your audience? This book shares the secret.
How to Be More Creative
Being creative can give you an edge, help you solve problems, express yourselef, and accomplish more. Plus, it's fun. Here are three ways to be more creative, today.
I wrote 200 words a day for two years. Here's what I learned.
I wanted to write regularly. I had writing goals! To meet them, I needed to make consistent progress... so I began writing daily. Here's how I did it, the methods that worked for me, and the best lessons learned.
How Do You Write and Publish a Nonfiction Book?
Drawing from a recent panel discussion held by the Ronin Institute on book publishing, I answer questions about how to develop ideas, find an agent and publisher, and what the whole publishing process is like.
How Do You Decide What Projects to Work On as a Scholar?
How do you know you're working on the right projects and not wasting your time? Here are ways to know whether you've taken on the right work, and ways to improve daily task management, too.
Book Review: Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott
Raw and honest, this book is packed with useful advice about writing and humorous commentary on the writer's life. Lamott understands the depths writers can get into; she has sympathy for imposter syndrome, hating and loving feedback, and more.
What You Gain From 2 Years of Writing a Weekly Blog (5 Key Lessons)
What makes writing a blog worth it—especially when you're starting out and traffic is low? How do you analyze your content, build an audience, and keep up the motivation to write every week?
Book Update #2 (A Complete Manuscript!)
I've finished the first draft of my book on thriving in grad school while staying healthy and happy! Read about my writing process and the next steps: Feedback, reviews, and revisions.
The Incremental Method to Achieving Long-term Goals and Getting Things Done
There's always that one weird trick, right? Here's the method you need to write a novel, get in shape, and accomplish your long-term goals!
Deep Work for Parents: A Two-Step Strategy for More Effective, Efficient Work
Ever felt overwhelmed and frustrated when trying to work while caring for young children? Here are my top tips for making time, turning off distraction, and ramping up productivity!
The Farmer's Lament, a Poem
Tolkien recognized the importance of lay poets and musicians. His characters sing and compose verse about the great deeds and events of their age. What about in our world? Here's one attempt, inspired by Tolkien's Durin's Song.
Why Write a Book? How Do You Meet Deadlines? And Other Answers
When is the right time to write a book? Why a book and not something else? How do you manage caregiving and writing? How do you stay motivated? And other answers!
Book Update #1: Drafts, Notes, and Editing the Manuscript
I'm writing a book about thriving in graduate school while keeping a healthy personal life. Curious about my progress? Here's where I'm at this month.
Book review: Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity by Ray Bradbury
This essay collection includes tips on generating ideas, composing stories, the nature of writing work, and the importance of practice. Do you know how many words a day Bradbury wrote?