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Project: How To Make a Paper Mache Taxidermy Moose Head
When a wall calls out for a taxidermy moose head, you answer the call. Read how I made a moose from paper mache!
Book Review: Uncertain: The Wisdom and Wonder of Being Unsure by Maggie Jackson
Uncertainty can be stressful. We crave predictability and answers. But uncertainty enables creativity, better performance, predictions, life planning, leadership, and more.
Book Review: The Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Change Your World by David Robson
What you think and how you approach a situation can significantly affect what happens. This book explains how your beliefs influence real-world outcomes—health, sleep, stress, memory, concentration, fatigue, creativity, and more.
How to Be More Creative
Being creative can give you an edge, help you solve problems, express yourselef, and accomplish more. Plus, it's fun. Here are three ways to be more creative, today.
I wrote 200 words a day for two years. Here's what I learned.
I wanted to write regularly. I had writing goals! To meet them, I needed to make consistent progress... so I began writing daily. Here's how I did it, the methods that worked for me, and the best lessons learned.
Why Homemade Gifts Are My Goto
The best gifts truly delight the recipient—whether you give something homemade or not. Here are examples of gifts I've given and ideas you can use.
Four Reasons Why Boredom Is Better For You Than You Think
Boredom—the universal feeling of restlessness and dissatisfaction that has you reaching for your phone, ready to scroll. But did you know that boredom is surprisingly useful feeling that you can use to your advantage?
How To Consciously Be a Role Model in Creativity, Curiosity, and Crafting for Children
I want my children to be creative and curious, to do projects and work with their hands. How do I deliberately and consciously inspire and encourage them? Here are some ways.
Book Review: Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant
What's the key to being original, creative, and innovative? Why do minority viewpoints improve a company? How can we raise more original kids? All this and more in this book!
Ideation, Evaluation, and Iteration: How We Plan Our Lives
How do you design a product, project, business, or your own life? Here are the keys you can use to make options and not get stuck on an 'anchor problem'.