top down view of evergreen advent wreath with four tall ribbon-wrapped candles, one pink and three purple

Making Our Own Advent Wreath (Inexpensive and Beautiful!)

Using dollar store candles, ribbon, trees, and pinecones!

This year, I made an Advent wreath.

As Catholic as Randy is, this is actually our first year having an Advent wreath! We meant to have one in previous years, but for one reason or another, it just never materialized. This year, it was finally time.

Our goal is to add a couple new family traditions every year. As Jessica Gordon of Shower of Roseshas said, you can start small with your family traditions. Add a new tradition every year. After a while, they add up.

Unfortunately, we didn't start early enough to order nice purple and pink beeswax candles. Cue a trip to the dollar store.

I found four tall, skinny, white candles in glass jars. These, plus a glass serving plate from the thrift store, were the base.

top down view of four tall white candles on a glass plate
Candles and plate.

I wrapped each candle in ribbon (leftover from making a ribbon flower bouquet for my wedding). Tacky glue worked nicely as an adhesive.

two tall candles wrapped in ribbon on a table with one candle only partially wrapped, with the ribbon still being glued
Wrapping ribbon.

The kids helped me collect pine cones of varying sizes and shapes at a local park. I cured them in the toaster oven.

For the wreath itself, we trimmed some small branches off the evergreens in our backyard. (They needed to be pruned anyway.)

pinecones on a cooling rack beside some evergreen branches and ribbon-wrapped tall candles

We added the pine cones and sparkly red and gold ribbon from the thrift store.

Here's the result:

evergreen advent wreath with four tall candles
The Advent wreath

I like the natural look of the greenery. For next year, I'll keep the ribbon and pine cones so we can use them again. We may upgrade to nicer candles—as much fun as ribbon is, perhaps we will find some that are already the right color.

silhouette of a person with arms outstretched on wintery day, in front of bare-limbed trees at sunset

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We're Jacqueline and Randy, a blogging duo with backgrounds in tech, robots, art, and writing, now raising our family in northern Idaho.

Our goal is to encourage deliberate choices, individual responsibility, and lifelong curiosity by sharing stories about our adventures in living, loving, and learning.

Learn more about us.


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