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randy up a kid to look at a horse

Announcing My Candidacy for Mayor of Post Falls

I'm running for major because I want my children and grandchildren to grow up here and enjoy the same quality of life we do today. This means prudent stewardship, prioritizing families, and a positive vision for the city.
Leavenworth, Washington, a Bavarian themed downtown Main Street with people walking along the street in the sunshine and cars parked along the edges of the road

5 Books Every City Councilor and Engaged Citizen Should Read

You want your city to be a better place. Whether you are an elected official, or getting involved as a citizen, you need ideas for what's possible and actionable steps to take you there. These books can help!
a white domed building in the classical style at MIT

How to Evaluate the Fit of a Graduate Program

You're applying to graduate school. But how do you know which graduate program to pick? What factors should you consider? How do you weigh your options?
a young boy stands in front of his mom, who is seated and leaning forward, and holds up a toy elephant in front of a small robot's face

Deploy or Die: Moving Research Into the World

So much academic research stays abstract or theory, or fails to impact the real world. What happens when an institution rewards applied work?
paper mache moose head hanging on a brick wall

Project: How To Make a Paper Mache Taxidermy Moose Head

When a wall calls out for a taxidermy moose head, you answer the call. Read how I made a moose from paper mache!
people in a street band marching with drums and kilts and brass

Honk! Learning from a Dynamic Public Music Festival

HONK! is a high energy, dynamic, activist street music festival held in Somerville, MA. How can we learn from it to build local culture in our area?
a cute baby lying on his stomach looking out, mouth slightly open as if confused or curious, wearing a red and grey stripy outfit

Can You Have a Baby in Graduate School?

Starting a family during graduate school can be challenging, but with the right support, it's not only doable, but incredibly rewarding!
cover of Daniel Goleman's book Focus

Book Review: Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman

Attention mediates our interactions with the world. In this book, discover how awareness affects performance and stress; how to use focus and willpower to accomplish goals; and much more.
tags: books science
One of our bees landing on a pink zinnia

Suburban Backyard Gardening 2024 Recap: Tomatoes, Flowers, and More! (Year 6)

Read how I made this year's garden lower effort, but still with a decent yield! See how crop rotation and my other gardening goals turned out.

Beekeeping Year 2 Recap: Splitting Hives, Harvesting Honey, Readying for Winter

Our bees were busy this year! Here's how we split hives, details our improved harvest setup, how our new honey extractor worked, and what we're doing this winter.
two little owls snuggling on top of a stump

4 Years Blogging: Why write?

I've been writing the Owl for four years! Here, I reflect on why I write and how blogging can be like memoir.
a young girl stands in a lake, pants rolled up to her knees, rocky shore behind her on the left, a mountain in the distance on the right

How to Homeschool in the Early Years: Preschool and Kindergarten, Ages 0-7

Homeschooling doesn't have to be overwhelming or over-scheduled, especially when your kids are young! Curricula are optional. Play is mandatory. Learning will happen!
open thick book, viewed from the spine laid flat on a table

So you want to write and publish a book?

Most authors don't make bank. They write to share a message, promote their expertise, or build their brand. Here's advice from a panel of six academics and authors.
Jacqueline, a woman wearing glasses and a silky scarf, stands behind a baby seated on a table, looking down at the baby and smiling. The baby is reaching out to touch a fluffy Tega robot. In the background are monitors and office stuff.

How Can We Fix the Academic System For Women?

Full-time academia doesn't work for a lot of women. How can we increase flexibility, change workaholic culture, and reward quality?
close up of a wool tapestry weaving showing mountains and sky

Project: Tapestry Weaving on My Lap Loom

Diving into fiber arts, I warped my tapestry loom and set to work. Here's what I made and the weaving skills I'm working on.
book cover of Lost in Thought by Zena Hitz

Book Review: Lost in Thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life by Zena Hitz

A good life means you don't work for the sake of work—you work for the sake of leisure. But what is leisure? What are the benefits of reading, studying, or thinking for its own sake?
book cover of Strong Towns by Charles Marohn

Book Review: Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity by Charles Marohn

American cities are failing. Most cities are insolvent, carrying debt they can't pay off as instructure maintenance costs loom and land values fall. What do we do?
pvc camp sink/dishwashing station

Tutorial: How to Make a Camp Sink/Dishwashing Station with PVC (In Three Easy Steps!)

Dreading washing up after camp meals? This sink/dishwashing station, based on one I used with girl scouts as a kid, makes it easy!
book cover of Sprawl Repair Manual by Gail Tachieva

How Do We Fix Sprawl? Book Review: Sprawl Repair Manual by Gail Tachieva

Suburbia sprawls endlessly. Cities are insolvent. Entire neighborhoods slump into disrepair. How can we fix it all? This practical manual details a difficult, but doable, way forward.
three kids on a giant seesaw made from a pine log

Forest School, Books and Crafts: Reflections on Our Homeschooling Year (2023-2024)

What does education look like when you're always learning? Here's what my kids and I have been doing this year—books, crafts, forest school, and more!
a black plastic seed tray with little two-leafed seedlings poking out of their dirt

Backyard Suburban Garden Plan, Year 6 (2024)

I'm growing tomatoes (of course), repeating other favorites, trying new veggies, and planting more flowers than last year! Read how my crop rotation is panning out, and goals for this year's garden.
honeybees crawling over a brood frame in the sunlight

Bees: Splitting a Hive That Survived the Winter

Northern winters can be rough for beehives. Not all of our hives made it. Instead of buying a new nuc or queen, here's how we've attempted a split! Plus, read what I've been doing with the harvested honey and beeswax.
the cover of the book Uncertain by Maggie Jackson

Book Review: Uncertain: The Wisdom and Wonder of Being Unsure by Maggie Jackson

Uncertainty can be stressful. We crave predictability and answers. But uncertainty enables creativity, better performance, predictions, life planning, leadership, and more.
graduates at an outside commencement throwing their hats in the air, with pine trees in the background

Is Going to Graduate School Worth It?

Considering applying to graduate school? Many factors go into deciding whether or not to apply: personal, practical, financial.

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Did you know a group of owls is called a parliament?


We're Jacqueline and Randy, a blogging duo with backgrounds in tech, robots, art, and writing, now raising our family in northern Idaho.

Our goal is to encourage deliberate choices, individual responsibility, and lifelong curiosity by sharing stories about our adventures in living, loving, and learning.

Learn more about us.


Start here

Curious about our life and journey? Here are some good places to start reading:

Jacqueline and Randy leaning their heads together smiling at the camera

A Blog About Education, Lifestyles, and Community

A brief history of how the Deliberate Owl came to be and why we're writing a blog about us, our lives, and how we're living out our values.
Priests in red and gold celebrate a traditional Latin Mass

Discovering the Traditional Catholic Mass

How I discovered the traditional Latin Mass a few years ago, why that discovery changed everything for me, and what was wrong with the Novus Ordo Masses I'd attended.